Elsa Reichmanis, who helped make possible the chips in almost all of today’s electronics with her contributions in the field of microlithography, is now poised for new discoveries as Lehigh’s newly arrived Carl Robert Anderson Chair in Chemical Engineering.
Join host Joe Buck as he talks with her about how she sees her role as a researcher and mentor; her anticipation around the Health, Science, and Technology building; and how she figured out what she wanted to do when she grew up.
This episode is part of Soaring Together: A Celebration of Lehigh Women.
Background and bio: Information on Reichmanis’ research areas, patents, and achievements from the Rossin College
Feature article: Elsa Reichmanis: Building Collaboration from Resolve, the Rossin College magazine
Health, Science, and Technology: A new building to spark interdisciplinary connections — and attract new research talent to Lehigh
The Reichmanis Group on Twitter: Organic electronics research group led by Dr. Reichmanis. Account managed by the Graduate Students.
Reichmanis in the News: